Some people (20%) have a sixth "Supersense" making them more vulnerable to Long COVID or MECFS

(D. Troy Roach, "SuperSenses" AI art created with Open AI on July 28th 2024)

(Update 29/07/2024...just one day later)... This paper shows in rats how the S1 protein in the brain "primes" or increases the sensitivity in the brain. This is the biomechanical explanation of the theory I outline below on HSPs.

Neurodiversity has often been a label applied to a small part of the population with ADHD or Autism. However, neurodiversity is a broad spectrum which includes 20% of the population when we include HSPs or "Highly Sensitive People".

Unfortunately, many people do not realise that they are HSPs. The biggest problem comes from confusion in the meaning of the word "sensitive" which brings to mind words like weak, oversensitive and for guys "crybaby". The word "sensitive" should be understood as: more fine-tuned senses. Tiny changes in our environment can be detected in a way that the other 80% can't enjoy -- those "boring neurotypicals."

This "SuperSense" as it should be called is a double-edged sword because you may have a deeper appreciation of beauty but also feel more pain.

What does this have to do with LongCOVID(LC) and MECFS(ME)? 

Research has shown that about half of HSPs have genetic differences in dopamine and serotonin receptors. Future research will also show some other neurological differences. In this case, when talking about neurology the word "sensitive or hypersensitivity" is correct because it does not refer to emotions, this is a physical trait of neurological receptors. One aspect of nicotine is that it increases nicotinic receptors throughout the body, improving "sensitivity" regulation for HSPs.

Different parts of the brain can be more robust or sensitive to change. Neuroplasticity is why our brains can learn and adapt constantly. Being more neuroplastic is a good survival trait.

In two informal online surveys (Twitter and Facebook), 90% of the people in the MECFS/LC communities claim to be neurodiverse (HSP, ADHD, Autism). That is way above the 20% average for the general population!

Facebook Poll Results (n=146): 11% are not HSPs, 89% are HSP and or ADHD/MECFS
Twitter Poll Results (n=34): 7% are not HSP, 93% are HSP.

The tiny kryptonite for HSPs...

Every superhero has vulnerabilities. Our kryptonite comes in the form of a viral infection. However, it could come from any "stressor" that overtaxes our nervous system.

What about the other 10% with LC/ME who are not HSPs?

Everyone, no matter their genetics, can have their nervous system overrun by external stressors. Neurotypicals are just less likely than a person with HSP. Even neurotypicals can have their kryptonite. They might even identify with HSPs due to the symptoms caused by these diseases.

Which came first HSP or acute infection?

HSP came first in most cases. However, it might not have been made evident until a big stressor like SARS made the sensitivity apparent. The thin layer of protection has been washed away by inflammation and neurological damage.

OK, so what... I am an HSP. Why does that matter?

First, It can help direct scientific research and possibly explain why so many people benefit from nicotine patches... both LC and MECFS communities.

Secondly, learning about neurodiversity can give you a lot of tools that will aid you for the rest of your life when dealing with other people and even your own thoughts and emotions.

Lastly, being an HSP probably means that you are more likely to have dealt with chronic "little-t" trauma or even big-T trauma. In fact, I hypothesize that most people who are HSPs and who are not genetically predisposed to being an HSP are likely to have suffered some big-T trauma which caused physiological changes in the brain that nudged these people into HSP territory.

Next step?

Patients: Read up on HSP and understand it better. Personally, I am a male HSP and I am a high-sensation seeker. This is a rough combination. Understanding this helps immensely in my day-to-day actions and emotional responses... which leads to better pacing and a better quality of life.

I learned about this by reading the book "The Highly Sensitive Person in Love", by Elaine N. Aron PhD
This and other books by the Dr Aron can be found here:

Medical Professionals: Learn about HSPs and take this into account when treating 20% of your patients.

Researchers: Use this knowledge to help focus and understand previous research.

Important Point!

My hypothesis is regarding a physical difference in how the brain, neurons or synapses work. This is in no way an attempt to psychologize my disease as a LC patient. 

I suspect that Dr Amen or other specialists who have large databanks of brain scans would be able to show the physical changes in the brains of HSPs, LC and ME patients that could serve as a sort of biomarker.

Thanks for reading.

Remember, we are stronger together!

-- D. Troy Roach

The Nicotine Test Research: 

PS. Take care of yourself and if you can take care of someone else too.

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