
Showing posts from July, 2024

Some people (20%) have a sixth "Supersense" making them more vulnerable to Long COVID or MECFS

(D. Troy Roach, "SuperSenses" AI art created with Open AI on July 28th 2024) (Update 29/07/2024...just one day later)... This paper  shows in rats how the S1 protein in the brain "primes" or increases the sensitivity in the brain. This is the biomechanical explanation of the theory I outline below on HSPs. Neurodiversity has often been a label applied to a small part of the population with ADHD or Autism. However, neurodiversity is a broad spectrum which includes 15 to 20% of the population when we include HSPs or "Highly Sensitive People". Unfortunately, many people do not realise that they are HSPs. The biggest problem comes from confusion in the meaning of the word "sensitive" which brings to mind words like weak, oversensitive and for guys "crybaby". The word "sensitive" should be understood as:  more fine-tuned senses . Tiny changes in our environment can be detected in a way that the other 80% can't enjoy -- those ...