Housewives on dope - Fabric softener sniffers
Eco products in Spain that are better for Chemical Sensitivity sufferers like myself Dear citizens of the world, I started to write this post last year while suffering from pneumonia. It was a bad experience, but I actually suffer more when I have an allergic reaction to chemical products. Unfortunately, I am very sensitive to chemicals in cleaning products, air fresheners, perfumes, paints, etc. Some doctors label it "Chemical sensitivity". My "allergy" is not fully recognised and the only treatment seems to be to avoid chemicals as much as humanly possible. As long as I avoid chemicals I can lead a normal life. It is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you are travelling or living abroad as an expat which is my case. The picture above of products is thanks to years of searching throughout Spain for products that would not affect me as much as popular brands. They are actually cheaper than the more "chemical" brands. Now, after moving to Israel, I h