The Three Kings vs Santa Claus... and Baby Jesus in the middle

Baby Jesus has a booboo... or in Spanish....Tiene pupa!

Dear Citizens of the world,

This Baby Jesus or Niño Jesús– pronounced /NEENyo HayZUS/ in Spanish – is a traditional part of Christmas decorations in Spain, but with a makeover. This photo is from a Spanish hospital that made Niño Jesús look more like the patients so that they would laugh a bit and relate better.

Although, you could say that the Niño Jesús got caught up in a fight between Santa and the Three Kings (Los Tres Reyes Magos). In Spain, the Three “Magic” Kings are the ones that have always brought the gifts to the good little boys and girls. Since they were the ones bringing gifts to Baby Jesus it only makes sense that they give to all children.

A more traditional look at the Niño Jesus.

Kings Day (Reyes) is on January 6th, which means that kids and teachers get an extra week off over the holidays. However, it also means that children didn't get their gifts until the 6th of January... after two weeks of vacation... and just before the return to normal.

Child: “Oh, what a wonderful gift! I am going to....”
Parents: “Not so fast... time for bed... you have school tomorrow!”

This technical problem was partly solved by importing Santa... Now parents can give the main gifts on the 24th or 25th of December. Children can then play with their toys during the long Winter break. Later, on kings day more gifts come. Some kids only get one set of gifts, but most seem to get two sets now.

And Niño Jesús? He's laid up in the hospital, wondering what hit'm.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The United Statesian

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