
Glutamate Kindling for a Post-Viral Fire

(Tired brain- AI image by Troy Roach with the help of Copilot, --10th Oct 2024) Johny Harris thinks he knows why everyone in the modern/Western world is tired. He is not talking about MECFS or LongCovid, but this theory could explain why post-viral diseases are on the rise in many countries. A video link , ...but here is a short summary of the relevant data: There are two steps: 1. The main culprit is too much neurological stimulation/choices which leads to glutamate overload. 2. This is made worse by a lack of rest/sleep to flush out the glutamate. ( Kat Boniface of Renegade Research has a much more complex/detailed glutamate theory she is cooking up. Follow her if you want to know more about the details behind glutamate. ) Johny Harris cites the relevant research in the video if you are interested, but the conclusions are quite obvious. Why does this matter to me if I have a post-viral illness? Much like my HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) thesis , we are empowered in our recovery when

Some people (20%) have a sixth "Supersense" making them more vulnerable to Long COVID or MECFS

(D. Troy Roach, "SuperSenses" AI art created with Open AI on July 28th 2024) (Update 29/07/2024...just one day later)... This paper  shows in rats how the S1 protein in the brain "primes" or increases the sensitivity in the brain. This is the biomechanical explanation of the theory I outline below on HSPs. Neurodiversity has often been a label applied to a small part of the population with ADHD or Autism. However, neurodiversity is a broad spectrum which includes 20% of the population when we include HSPs or "Highly Sensitive People". Unfortunately, many people do not realise that they are HSPs. The biggest problem comes from confusion in the meaning of the word "sensitive" which brings to mind words like weak, oversensitive and for guys "crybaby". The word "sensitive" should be understood as:  more fine-tuned senses . Tiny changes in our environment can be detected in a way that the other 80% can't enjoy -- those "bo

The Creatine "Cell-Rinse/Flush + Methylation" Theory

  The Creatine "Cell-Rinse/Flush + Methylation " Theory (Made with OpenArt AI, June 23rd, 2024, D. Troy Roach) The Cell-Rinse/Flush + Methylation Theory in four stages:  The cell is sickly and dehydrated has trouble cleaning out the "rubbish". Creatine supplementation increases the hydration, thus the internal to the external pressure gradient while also watering down or "rinsing" the cell.  "Rubbish" is pushed out of the cell into the interstitial tissues for elimination by the lymphatic system, which also works better with increased levels of H2O since it does not have it's own pump to regulate pressure. Overall methylation is improved by the supplementation of creatine which is especially helpful for people with existing methylation issues. Why I am interested in creatine now... I am at that stage in recovery that I can have a mostly normal life... as long as there is not too much stress and I avoid too much low-level (zone 2) exercise or

Pacing 101 - Brain Training as a Tool to Pace Better

Brain Training -- Another Pacing Tool TLDR:  Brain training is one of many tools to help pace better by reducing wasted mental and emotional energy. The brain is small, but it is an energy hog that can eat through spoons faster than a sprint up the stairs. The science behind most "brain training" is sound. Most brain training programs oversell what they offer. You do not need an expensive program to learn this science. Outside of the "tools" that brain training programs teach you, which you can learn for free, the main benefit is accountability and the support of a coach. Some people might benefit from hiring a coach whom they can afford and feel a connection with. Brain training is not the boogeyman. It is just another tool to add to your healing toolbelt. Don't expect miracles. Stay away from programs that promise quick results and learn what you need for free. Like every other "cure" out there... people like to show off the big success stories becau

A POTS/OI at-home, easy, free, safe rehab program hypothesis:

A POTS/OI at-home, easy, free, safe rehab program hypothesis: Made with Stable Diffusion by D. Troy Roach, 26th July 2023 Ground Rules: 1. Understand that this is just a theory . Your input will be valuable in improving the technique and refining it for future users. 2. Take care of yourself first. Do not push yourself or risk injury in any way. Actually, if there is danger or pain... then stop! Each step should be done from a place of calm & safety! 3. Each exercise/movement should be done with a calm/steady Heart Rate (HR) and Blood Pressure(BP) . If your HR or BP spikes... then you are pushing too hard. No problem, take a break, take a step back and continue. Step 1: Read through and understand each part. Since you are doing this without 1-to-1 guidance, it is important to clearly understand the theories. In summary, POTS/OI (Orthostatic Intolerance) is caused by dysautonomia. The nervous system is not communicating correctly with the cardiovascular system. This system used to k

The Good and Bad Effects of Nicotine on the Brain and Body, from Neuroscience-Broscientist Andrew Huberman Ph.D. (Video/Podcast)

The Good and Bad Effects of Nicotine on the Brain and Body, from "Neuroscience-Broscientist" Andrew Huberman Ph.D. (Video/Podcast) This is my summary of the 2hr long podcast/video Dr. Huberman did on nicotine. This summary is mostly for people wanting to use nicotine patches for medicinal reasons (short-term use). However, the summary might be helpful for anyone interested in this topic who just wants the highlights. And, this is not medical advice....Only a summary to help speed up research before speaking with your personal doctor. Show notes with time stamps and links is pasted at the bottom for your convenience. The "How to quit Smoking or Vaping section" has few details since addiction is not an issue with this kind of treatment. Smoking and Vaping are bad. Nicotine on its own can be "good." Nicotine, mixed with other substances included in vaping , makes it very addictive for the brain. Mental Focus is like an arrow : The direction of focus comes f

My n=1 RemissionBiome/Fasting experiment

Created with Midjourney by D. Troy Roach (20 March 2023). My n=1 RemissionBiome/Fasting experiment!  In honor of the wonderful researchers doing a very exciting, live, @RemissionBiome experiment (n=2), I wanted to add my n=1 case study to add to their supporting case studies. My experiment is different in that it was only about 40% premeditated. A bout with ascending diverticulitis was the unplanned starting gun. The long fast also makes it different. I will try to keep it short and to the point, but I will probably ramble at the end with all my theories ;-). History Pre-Covid: 46-year-old, male, weekend warrior athlete, experimenting with things like IF and Wim-Hof to improve health, and healthspan.  Main sports: Hiking, Trekking, Trail running, some small ultra runs (just trying to finish, not compete), and working towards a long ultra (60 to 100k) and maybe doing a few "tourist" 6000m or 7000m peaks. Covid: 2 infections for sure, a 3rd pretty sure (Elisa blood test), and a