The Good and Bad Effects of Nicotine on the Brain and Body, from Neuroscience-Broscientist Andrew Huberman Ph.D. (Video/Podcast)

The Good and Bad Effects of Nicotine on the Brain and Body, from "Neuroscience-Broscientist" Andrew Huberman Ph.D. (Video/Podcast) This is my summary of the 2hr long podcast/video Dr. Huberman did on nicotine. This summary is mostly for people wanting to use nicotine patches for medicinal reasons (short-term use). However, the summary might be helpful for anyone interested in this topic who just wants the highlights. And, this is not medical advice....Only a summary to help speed up research before speaking with your personal doctor. Show notes with time stamps and links is pasted at the bottom for your convenience. The "How to quit Smoking or Vaping section" has few details since addiction is not an issue with this kind of treatment. Smoking and Vaping are bad. Nicotine on its own can be "good." Nicotine, mixed with other substances included in vaping , makes it very addictive for the brain. Mental Focus is like an arrow : The direction of focus comes f...