My n=1 RemissionBiome/Fasting experiment

Created with Midjourney by D. Troy Roach (20 March 2023). My n=1 RemissionBiome/Fasting experiment! In honor of the wonderful researchers doing a very exciting, live, @RemissionBiome experiment (n=2), I wanted to add my n=1 case study to add to their supporting case studies. My experiment is different in that it was only about 40% premeditated. A bout with ascending diverticulitis was the unplanned starting gun. The long fast also makes it different. I will try to keep it short and to the point, but I will probably ramble at the end with all my theories ;-). History Pre-Covid: 46-year-old, male, weekend warrior athlete, experimenting with things like IF and Wim-Hof to improve health, and healthspan. Main sports: Hiking, Trekking, Trail running, some small ultra runs (just trying to finish, not compete), and working towards a long ultra (60 to 100k) and maybe doing a few "tourist" 6000m or 7000m peaks. Covid: 2 infections for sure, a 3rd pretty sure (Elisa blood test), and a...