pH level and microbiome balance & changes in inflammation in Long-Covid/ME?

Image generated with Midjourney by D. Troy Roach (28-02-2023) pH level and microbiome balance & changes in inflammation in Long-Covid? Below is my theory which was originally published on May 28th, 2023. I think I might have found a major piece of the puzzle during day 4 of #TheNicotineTest. Is this the end of a long rabbit hole? I hope so!!! Details of the theory will be published in this Google Doc : I am only at the beginning of this rabbit hole . I am still determining where it is going. All the things I am looking at might just be basic science that is boring for a microbiologist. I might also be wrong on many levels! However, even if it is wrong, it might lead to a glimmer of insight somewhere in the search for answers? A piece of the puzzle? Right now I just have a bunch of random points that seem connected but might not be... Therefore, I will just list the points to see if anyone can help me make any connections: 1. My confusion over the presence of "Sil...